I was posting in jest yesterday about how Rome's invitation to Anglicans would expose RC congregations to jokes about married clergy. As yesterday's news is digested, some are now questioning if, as a friend of mine wondered aloud yesterday, this is the beginning of the end for celibate Roman clergy? MP+
Offer Raises Idea of Marriage for Catholic Priests
Published: October 21, 2009
ROME — In making it easier for traditionalist Anglicans to become Catholic, Pope Benedict XVI once again revealed the character of his papacy: to reach out to the most fervent of like-minded believers, even if they are not Catholic. Yet some observers wonder whether his move could paradoxically liberalize the church — or at least wedge it open — on a crucial issue: celibacy.
The invitation also extends to married Anglican clergy. And so some have begun to wonder, even if the 82-year-old Benedict himself would never allow it, would more people in the Roman Catholic Church begin to entertain the possibility of married Catholic priests?
Read the whole article here.
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