Wednesday, September 26, 2012

US Army To Down Tools Tomorrow And Focus On Suicide Prevention

I noticed via Twitter that the US Army has announced that it will set aside normal business tomorrow, operations permitting, and deal with suicide awareness and prevention.

That is a pretty huge deal for the largest service in the US military to suspend normal duties for a day, and an indication of how seriously they are taking the issue. I visited the US DOD website today and you can see from this page that the Army is putting a lot of resources into this problem, which seems to be getting worse. One day can't turn the problem around, but I hope it helps.

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Mad Padre

Mad Padre
Opinions expressed within are in no way the responsibility of anyone's employers or facilitating agencies and should by rights be taken as nothing more than one person's notional musings, attempted witticisms, and prayerful posturings.


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