I was reminded today in my morning devotions that today is the feast of Richard of Chichester (1197-1253), and since I have a fondness for medieval saints, here is a post for St. Richard.
Richard of Wyche was a scholar and student of canon law. He was elected to be Bishop of the Diocese of Chicester in 1244 but the election did not have the approval of King Henry III and so Richard had to live on the charity of his priests and people for over a year. For All The Saints, a publication of the Anglican Church of Canada, relates that during that time "[Richard] learned how ordinary folk loived and what their problems were, and he walked with beggard and outlaws. When he finally gained legal jurisdiction over his diocese he initiated a wide range or reforms, all designed to bring the ministry of the Church closer to the people" (p. 136).
Richard is best known for writing a famous prayer, which became "Day by Day" from the musical Godspell:
"Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits thou hast given me, for all the pains and insults thou hast borne for me. O most merciful redeemer, friend and brother, may I know thee more clearly, love thee more dearly and follow thee more nearly, day by day."
If you only pray once this holy week, this would be a pretty good choice, methinks.
Amen, one lasting, long Amen. Blest anthem of eternal days; The fulness of the rapturous song to Christ the Saviour's endless praise.
Amen, one lasting long amen
Blest anthem of eternal days
The fulness of the rapturous song
To Christ the Saviour's endless praise.
Amen, one lasting long amen
Heaven's blissful anthem deep and loud
While every heart before the throne
In holy, solemn awe is bowed.
Amen, Amen, it rolls along
Re-echoing from the throne again:
Be ours to mingle with the throng
In that eternal, loud AMEN!
Lord, hasten the day!
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