This last weekend happened to be the gala reopening of the Canadian Museum of Nature after a multi-year renovation. One of the features left as it was were the moose heads over the door.

This faithful old beast looked down on the casket of Sir Wilfrid Laurier leaving the building after his lying in state.
The moose (and his ((consort? partner? mate? friend?)), there are two) also looked down on Canada's parliamentarians after they set up shop in the museum after the Houses of Parliament burned down in 1916.
Inside the museum, with a view of the staircase build inside the glass tower that replaced the original stone tower. I like the chance fact that I caught a woman having her photo taken. Through the windows you can see Ottawa facing towards Parliament Hill as the sun begins to set.

At the foot of tower on the inside, with the last of the sunset.

A view of the tower from the outside. You can see the long lineups waiting for the ghost tours. Didn't get a chance to take one given the crowds, but I did get to meet Sir Wilfrid in a stairwell.

On the way home to St. Paul's University along the Rideau Canal, a shot of the Pretoria Bridge reflected in the canal.

What great photos Padre! I did my museological education in Ottawa, and there was a lot of discussion about the renos at the Museum of Nature. Your photos have me a little jealous I won't have the opportunity to see it myself any time soon.
Too bad you didn't get to do the ghost tour (it's dead fun), you'll have to do it next time you're in town!
along with all your other talents you're very handy with a camera! you latter-day rennaisance man you!
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