Friday, March 7, 2025

Lent Madness 2025: Emily Cooper vs Bishop Dunstan

 In our first match of this year's Lent Madness, the stubborn and faithful theologian Athanasius defeated the 19th century English Anglican priest, Father Benson.   While the defeat may sting, Fr. Benson's achievement in founding the Society of Saint John the Evangelist, an order of Anglican brothers, remains.  If you ever get a chance to visit the SSJE house in Boston for a retreat, it is well worth your effort.

Today's matchup takes us to early medieval England to meet Dunstan, a reluctant monk who went on to be the wise counsellor of kings and who once, it is said, pulled the devil by the nose (served him right!).

Dunstan has a formidable opponent, Emily Cooper, a widow who at forty dedicated her remaining years to saving and raising poor children and orphans in her native Kentucky.   Mother Emily evidently took our Lord's words seriously, "let the little children come to me".

Vote here.

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