Monday, February 19, 2024

Lent Madness: Duelling Mistresses of the Elements


I hope that if you're reading this, you're enjoying Lent Madness 2024 and have learned something about some of the strange and wonderful figures of our faith.  To track the progress of our Halo Heroes, there are two "leader boards" in the church where you can track their progress.

Progress was one thing that poor Casimir conspicuously lacked.  Even with three hands, he was unable to stop Kassia from sprinting to the finish line.  She'll be a strong contender.

Today's matchup features two ladies who feel like they might be at home in a Marvel superhero film because they have control of the elements.

Saint Canaire, an Irish saint, is famous for walking (some say on water for part of the way) from Bantry Bay in County Cork, 182 kns north to Inish Cathaigh, now named Scattery Island.  She was then an aged woman who had spent her life as a holy hermit, and had a vision that Inish Cathaig would be where she would die and await the resurrection.  Cathaig was occupied by a grumpy monk, St Senan, whose monastery had a "no girls allowed" policy, but Senan was impressed by Canaire's insistence that God loved women and men equally.

There is a wonderful account of her life here, and I feel like Canaire's last journey would be an excellent pilgrimage route and a great excuse to visit the beautiful south of Ireland

When I was a military chaplain, I was always fascinated by the tradition that certain branches of the military had their own patron saints.  Barbara is the patron saint of artillery, or gunners as they like to call themselves (army joke:  how do you know that someone is a gunner?  Answer:  what?  eh? speak up!).   

Barbara's association with explosives and fiery ends comes from the story of how her pagan father was punished for murdering her.   Once again we note the theme of embattled chastity in the lives of the early female saints.

So today's matchup features a fiery lady vs a water walking hermitess.    My money's on St Canaire just because my heart's in Ireland, but my prediction record thus far is 1 win, 2 losses, so there you go.

Vote here.

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