Saturday, October 21, 2023

Introducing Our All Saints Saturday Night Eucharist



Starting on Saturday, November 4th, we are launching a new service, a Eucharist that will run every Saturday at 5pm.  The folks behind it are the clergy, Michael and Sharon, as well as Patricia Baldwin, who brings a wealth of wisdom and knowledge of contemplative spiritual practice.    


Why are we doing this?  We want to offer an option for those parishioners and visitors who may not be able to attend our 09:30 Sunday service.   We also want to create a space where we might explore some of the depths of our Anglican tradition.


What will these services be like?  These services will be a work in progress.  Some will feature periods of silence and space for contemplation.  Some will feature simple hymns from the Taize tradition.   Some may feature music, and others may be simply unaccompanied voices.  A few may be more formal, with chanting and perhaps even incense.   Short meditations instead of formal sermons. Whatever we do, the eucharist will be at the heart of each Saturday evening service.


Will these services be recorded or streamed?  We’re thinking not.   We want to keep the Saturday evenings simple and in the moment., so no slides, screens, or streams  We also want to minimize the demands on our tech crew so they’re fresh for Sunday mornings.


Will these services replace Apres Ski?  Absolutely not.   Come the ski season, from January through March, parishioners are welcome to contribute to the food and drink that makes the Apres Ski services their own special thing.   


What’s the goal?  The goal is to see if we can sustain a Saturday evening eucharist  that offers something a little different from our Sunday practices, while deepening our spiritual lives.    Much of the church growth literature agrees that strong churches are ones that focus on nurturing and forming people in their faith lives.


Can I get involved?    Absolutely.   Michael, Sharon and Patricia will welcome all offers of help as we experiment and worship together.



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