Thursday, February 9, 2012

Military Picture of the Week

US Army Sgt. 1st Class Russell Minta, senior noncommissioned officer for the Defense Department's Military Working Dog Breeding Program on Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, holds a puppy in his hand. The program provides working dogs to every service branch and numbers among the largest military breeding programs in the world. DOD photo by Linda Hosek

More adorable Army Puppy photos here.


  1. <3 seeing baby animal pictures on blogs! :D Happy Friday, Padre!

  2. That was pretty shameless of me, sneaking a puppy picture into MilPic of the week. Perhaps these little guys are the secret weapons of Seal Team Six.
    Bad guy: Hey, what's that? Aww, a puppy! ZAP
    Happy Friday to you too Jessica.
