Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"A Carbon Copy of Reality": Video Game Technology as Military Training Aid

I have commented here before about the military applications of video game technology to military simulation training. It's not a new story, but this piece from the UK MOD news service describes how video training is being mixed in with interaction with human actors to take training to a whole new level. I love the "carbon copy of reality" quote at the end. Curiously anachronistic given the subject matter. I wonder how many younger readers know what a carbon copy is? MP+

Gaming technology helping UK forces prepare for Afghanistan
A Training and Adventure news article
4 Jul 11

A huge virtual reality training facility in Sennelager, Germany, which uses the latest 3D gaming technology, is helping British forces, from individuals to entire battle groups, prepare for operations in southern Afghanistan. Report by Sharon Kean.

A soldier gets a virtual taste of Op HERRICK from a simulator cab at the Combined Arms Tactical Trainer [Picture: Lockheed Martin]

Two years ago, PlayStation-style war games helped soldiers of 5th Battalion The Rifles (5 RIFLES) get ready for their tour of Iraq.

Before departing for theatre, troops spent hours in simulators and replica operations rooms at the Sennelager Training Centre in Germany, driving virtual vehicles and commanding computer-generated ground patrols.

Many of those soldiers are now gearing up for Op HERRICK 15 and once again the early stages of their pre-deployment preparation took place in cyberspace.

Read the whole story here.

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