Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Military Picture of the Week

This is a great picture, both for the intense quality of the soldier's face, and the backdrop. I also like it because it shows one of those lovely peculiarities of the British army, the hackle or plume worn by certain regiments. Not only is it distinctive, as you can see here, it helps camouflage you when hiding against a cloudy sky. :) MP+

Soldiers from 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh (1 R WELSH) have been taking part in Exercise Askari Thunder in Kenya. At Turaco Farm, near Nanyuki Showground Camp, the soldiers prepared their kit and equipment prior to the final training exercise, which will bring all their training in Kenya into play as they exercise various scenarios as a battlegroup. Pictured: Fusilier Scott Bennett on exercise in Kenya with Fire Support Group 2, 1 R WELSH [Picture: Sergeant Ian Forsyth, Crown Copyright/MOD 2011]


  1. Great use of focal length. I wonder what he used for lighting, a flash held away or some reflector, and if a reflector was he using something natural or in place, like a vehicle windscreen?

  2. Could have been a reflector. I watched a Brit Army photographer use one in the field last year, and he got good results with it. Don't know enough about the art of photography to say more than that.
