Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Military Picture of the Week

A clear and sunny winter day at CFB Suffield shows one of our "mascots" to good advantage. This old Chieftain (opps, scratch that - Centurion! my bad) tank guards one of the corners of the only grass parade square west of Ottawa.

Some friends on a wargames discussion group were nattering on about how sexy the Chieftain was, so for them this is the military picture of the week.

Taken with my definitely sexy iphone 3 using the Pro HDR app.



  1. Hate to be a rivet counter old bean but it's a Centurion. Canadian Army never had the Chieftain.

    Can't tell you which Mk though. :)


  2. Quite right. Rather embarassing, what? I do believe I'm right about the parade square being grass, at least.

  3. As long as you know which end of the hymnal to hold!

    And the Centurion is a grand old tank. Very 'tanky'; not like these new fangled turbo charged, laser sighted things.

    Thanks for the pic!
