Friday, November 13, 2009

Vietnam, Iraq Vets Join to Tell Stories

Veterans often say that sharing stories with sympathetic listeners who share a common bond is a key to mental recovery and spriitual resilience. I'm especially interested in the upcoming PBS documentary mentioned in this piece (see link below). MP+

Vietnam, Iraq Vets Recall War Experiences
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Nov. 12, 2009 - Generations of American servicemembers braved and survived the din, destruction and uncertainty of war to return home to enjoy the freedoms they helped to preserve for their fellow citizens.

Yet, returning veterans also can experience troubling wartime memories after the shooting stops.

Robert H. Shumaker, a tall, erect 76-year-old retired Navy rear admiral with a shock of silver hair and bright blue eyes, is a famous U.S. military veteran who coined the term "Hanoi Hilton" when he was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.

DoD photo by Gerry J. Gilmore

Shumaker was at George Washington University’s Marvin Center on Veterans Day yesterday, watching volunteers write letters to servicemembers and their families and assemble care packages for troops.

“It is really uplifting seeing the patriotism of people and the compassion of people to do this,” Shumaker said. The event was sponsored by military-support organization Blue Star Families and ServiceNation, a national campaign that encourages volunteer service, in partnership with Target and the Public Broadcasting Service.

Read the whole piece here.

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