Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Moving to Greenwood

This set of pictures (click on any to see a larger image) completes the story of our epic journey this summer from London, ON to Greenwood, NS. Our first day on the road, July 24th, saw us driving through a rainstorm just east of Toronto on the 401. For about half an hour we followed this rainbow, and finally drove through it. A good omen, we thought:

Visiting one of the Martello towers in Kingston, built in the mid 19th century when the fear of an invasion of British Canada from the US was very real. My dad would have toured this same tower when he did an army staff course at Kingston in the early 1960s.

Kay and I in front of the same tower. The house we are moving to in Greenwood is considerably more luxurious than the married quarters inside this tower that a few lucky officers and their famileis enjoyed:

My son John wasn't impressed by our day traversing Quebec - too much French, he thought. Our drive along the St. Lawrence east of Montreal was gorgeous, and I wish we had more time for it. Finally we turned south and crossed the New Brunswick border near Edmunston:

St. John New Brunswick had a very cool, old world quality to it, even though we found it shrouded in fog on a late July evening. After a confusing few minutes we found the ferry to Digby, and enjoyed watching the bow go down on its hinge before we left - reminiscent of the Chee-Chee-Mon that runs from Tobermory, ON:

My son John enjoys the three hour passage:

Kay and I enjoy a bad hair day topside:

Nova Scotia comes into view:

We pull off the ferry and arrive in Digby, about an hour south of our new home:

Kay admires murals/wall carvings in downtown Digby.

July 29th, Greenwood. My son John is the first person to enter our new house, 1788 Cartier Court, Kingston.

Our mighty moving crew. These guys did an awesome job:

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